Both these Saints are associated with Divine protection, honour and courage and, of course, the elimination of evil forces, which is why they resonate with me.
Read MoreI truly believe that we are creative beings. So please let your creativity come through in times of adversity, it is such a good thing to do.
Read MoreA personal account of coping with loss and using common sense.
Read MoreToday we have been married for 18 years!
Read MoreI also appreciate that to be true to oneself involves an element of discovery and finding your own way.
Read MoreRavens - a force of good or evil?
Read MoreI can’t forget it is a wild rose when I am plucking the beautiful bullet shaped, bright Coquelicot, shiny-red hips from it
Read MoreQuite often when I have surrendered to such times, they unfold in the most beautiful and unexpected ways, unimaginable to me, a mere mortal. This reminds me of the wonderful ways of nature.
Read MoreI’m part of nature. I see it in the vast sky,
I see it in the blackbird, hear it in his song
Read MoreThe poem ‘Stonechat on Cul Beg’ was written by Norman MacCaig who was born in Edinburgh in 1910. He often wrote about nature, people, animals and places and often during his visits to his spiritual home of Assynt, Scotland, in the northwest Highlands. He is said to be one of Scotland’s best loved poets.
Read MoreSorry to say my dad sadly passed away on 19th May, peacefully at home with me and mum.
Read MoreThings change, time passes, things move on and yet nature still produces these marvellous gifts each year. There's something very comforting about these natural cycles....
Read MoreLast October I wrote a blog (which is on our blog page ‘The Food Diaries’) - it was about my relationship with food, my recovery from M.E and a spinal injury. Quite a few people contacted me about this post
Read MoreWhilst I’m here, I’d also like to mention that our writers and contributors are creating beautiful things for us to share with you. We have some new people who have joined this year
Read MoreWe hope you will continue to enjoy what you see. The only reasons we do it are to share some good news, traditions and values and bring joy to the world.
Read MoreWhilst I’m here, I’d also like to mention that our writers and contributors are creating beautiful things for us to share with you. We have some new people who have joined this year
Read MoreThank you for being with us this year through such difficult times and for sharing your products, creations and knowledge with us, to keep us all us being creative and to remind us of what really matters!
Read MorePracticing Falun Dafa, I made a full recovery. The exercises helped me both physically and mentally, were gentle enough for me to cope with after being so weak for such a long time and really easy to learn.
Read MoreA simple little walk through, from the fields gathering wild rose hips to the kitchen to preserve them into tea and syrup and setting some aside for drying to use later.
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