September the 29th
It’s my 52nd birthday today and I have been pondering about this day and what it means to me, to others and it’s historical significance.
I was just on the phone to mum and I said to her;
”This day really should be about you mum, and a celebration of you bringing me to the earth; a thank you to the parents. I didn’t have much to do with that part of my arrival here into this world, it was because of you, the pain you went through to give birth and for taking care of me all my life, and still to this day.”
She did chuckle and mention something about stitches, but I tend to glaze over in those moments.
My parents were wonderful when I was growing up (and have been all throughout my life and mum still is here helping me through). Me and my little sister were truly blessed to have such kind and loving parents, our life was magical and idyllic and safe and fun and nourishing and fulfilling. What more could you wish for as a child?
I feel very fortunate to be alive at this time and will embrace being 52. Someone said to me the other day that being in our 50’s and 60’s are the best years because we have both wisdom and energy - let’s see - ha ha!!
Photos; Mum with me as a bump, little me, me on mum’s knee a few weeks, or days old, me and dad on a canal barge my parent’s hired for a holiday on the Norfolk Broads..
An unusual, recurring dream
Up until I was about 9 or 10, I had a recurring dream. I really believe that it was some kind of a ‘birth dream’; a record, a recollection of my exact arrival here or the time before I was born. Something given to me in my ‘Toolbox for Life’ that I would need as I grew to help me remember who I am. I still remember it clearly. I have spoken to others about it, some people look at me as if I’ve gone mad, some look interested, some have heard similar stories. (I’d be interested to hear from anyone else who has had a similar experience). There isn’t much information readily available about it, as far as I can see, but it really doesn’t matter. I remember it and it was a personal experience that still helps me today.
It went like this -
I’m in a dark, damp place with no light. The air is stifling. I can just about make out a wooden fence with a stile going over it in front of me, which I know I need to climb over, but my legs can’t move. Then I acknowledge that I am actually stuck in mud up to my knees as I can see a dim light glistening on the surface of the muddy ground; light of which I can’t see it’s source.
Then in an instant, I am suspended, immersed in glorious, bright light, floating in mid-air, with no end in sight. No up or down or East or West, no time. Infinity. A sense of complete and utter freedom and serenity and peace. I am able to move in any direction I like, but I’m so content that I choose not to move and I just look into the light.
These two contrasting experiences would repeat all night until I woke up the next morning.
Over the years, this, of course, stuck with me and I interpreted it many years ago. It tells me where I need to get to. I need to get over that stile. That is where I belong, in that illuminated eternal space. It is where I came from. This is a certainty for me and even more so as I travel further through life and through lived experiences. The mud is my karmic burden, debts, the things holding me back trying to stop me from being myself and returning to my true home in the Heavens. It is the challenge. The cultivation path which I chose is to help me free myself from all of this mud.
Believing in reincarnation, I do think that maybe I did have had something to do with my return. Although, as it goes, our memories are wiped clean before we arrive; giving us the opportunity in the human realm to pay back our karmic debts and fulfil our vows and to figure this all out as we go along our way through life. The many challenges thrown my way have never pushed me off track, I have persevered, got up again when I’ve been crumpled and kept going and I’m fortunate enough to have had an excellent foundation built for me by both parents and my family, and in my more mature days, since 2011, my daily spiritual practice of Falun Dafa (also known as Falun Gong), a Buddhist meditation practice which adheres to the Universal principles of Truth Compassion and Tolerance. It teaches returning to one’s true self, emphasising virtue - the guide to help me on my way. (What is Falun Gong (Falun Dafa)? | Ancient Chinese Spiritual Practice (
Photos: Me on my potty eating breakfast (glad some things have improved) toddler me on mum’s knee, me and my little sister, mum and dad one Christmas
My birth day is one of historical significance; it is on St Michaelmas Day.
In Christianity, St Michael the Archangel was a noble warrior fighting against demonic forces. He battled against the dragon in Heaven, Satan, who was then cast down to earth with the fallen angels. He is a fierce defender of the people, the commander of the army of God leading Heaven’s Army in their triumph over hell. St Michael symbolises the victory of good over evil and is seen as the protector from darkness and evil as we come into shorter days.
Another interesting part of my destiny is that I live in a town called St George. Saint George is the Patron Saint of England. St George’s Day falls on April 23. According to legend, he was a soldier in the Roman army who killed a dragon and saved a princess. St George was persecuted by the Roman army and eventually executed for refusing to give up his Christian faith.
Photos: A little ink drawing I am working on!!!
“The China Tribunal, chaired by Sir Geoffrey Nice, QC (lead prosecutor of Slobodan Milosevic at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia), conducted the world’s first independent legal analysis of forced organ harvesting from prisoners of conscience in China. The Tribunal examined all available evidence in order to determine what criminal offences, if any, may have been committed by individuals affiliated to state or state-approved bodies, organisations or officials in China that may have engaged in forced organ harvesting.”
the fight between good and evil
I’ve written before about my efforts over the last 12 years to expose the evil crimes of the Chinese Communist Party and it’s persecution of Falun Dafa and other spiritual groups in China; Uighurs, House Church Christians, Tibetans and others. Amongst many other things, I have organised briefings in, and spoken in Parliament, until 2020, I was the UK Manager for The International Coalition to End Transplant Abuse in China (ETAC), and I remain on the Committee.
ETAC initiated the independent people’s tribunal ‘The China Tribunal’.
Quote taken from the 2020 China Tribunal Judgment - The International Coalition to End Transplant Abuse in China
the china tribunal conclusion
Quote taken from Final Short Form Conclusion China Tribunal
““These individual conclusions, when combined, led to the unavoidable final conclusion that; forced organ harvesting has been committed for years throughout China on a significant scale and that Falun Gong practitioners have been one - and probably the main - source of organ supply. The concerted persecution and medical testing of the Uyghurs is more recent and it may be that evidence of forced organ harvesting of this group may emerge in due course. The Tribunal has had no evidence that the significant infrastructure associated with China’s transplantation industry has been dismantled and absent a satisfactory explanation as to the source of readily available organs concludes that forced organ harvesting continues till today” - ”
If you would like to learn more or help in any way - please look here - How you can help - The International Coalition to End Transplant Abuse in China
good prevails over evil
I’ve needed a tremendous amount of courage to be involved in exposing this new form of evil. I’ve really pushed myself through so much fear and anxiety and stress to stand up against such evil, this devil, this demonic force opposing life.
Both these Saints are associated with Divine protection, honour and courage and, of course, the elimination of evil forces, which is why they resonate with me. In fact, I have always felt that I am being looked after since I was a little girl and practicing Falun Dafa has helped me to understand even more deeply that Divine beings are indeed watching over us. I believe I will be alive to witness the end of evil’s reign on this earth and will continue to play my small part in it’s demise so that all sentient beings can be free.
Returning to tradition and to our traditional values have a huge part to play in this - which is another story, for another time.
So hold on everyone! Keep going!
More information on 'Modern History' -
'Mysterious medieval Michaelmas, what is it and when?'
'Jason discusses the history and meaning of the Medieval tradition of Michaelmas and looks at harvesting and hedgerow foods.'