A short video of John’s amazing onion crop! And a little song to cheer you up!
Read MoreIt turned out dad's beans, onions and tomatoes had come along so well and they'd been munching their way through beautiful homegrown produce!
Read MoreIt turned out dad's beans, onions and tomatoes had come along so well and they'd been munching their way through beautiful homegrown produce!
Read MorePracticing Falun Dafa, I made a full recovery. The exercises helped me both physically and mentally, were gentle enough for me to cope with after being so weak for such a long time and really easy to learn.
Read MoreA simple little walk through, from the fields gathering wild rose hips to the kitchen to preserve them into tea and syrup and setting some aside for drying to use later.
Read Morelast week dad brought me some tiny, miniature apples and told me he’d gathered them from the grass verge under these three pretty little trees on the corner.
Read MoreA brisk walk along the river this morning, in an attempt to avoid the mid day heat, brought me into contact with a small feast of blackberries along the way…
Read MoreDad’s mini allotment manages to provide some of their vegetables such as runner beans, onions (which we finished off a couple of months ago from last August) tomatoes (which also seem to feed family and friends too as they are never ending) and beetroot, which sadly didn’t come to anything this year. On here are photos and a video - logged from March - June 2020. Part 2 to come!
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