Bagging the Onions! - Starring John

A short video celebrating the onion crop after months of waiting patiently! Dad had planted them in his mini-allotment in my parents' garden, along with runner beans. He came to get let me know he was going to bag them up and even made up a little song!

An onioning we will go
An onioning we will go
Are you ready?
An onioning we will go!
We’ll pick the onions up
We’ll chuck them in a bag
All except the ones
That are going bad!

It came to light over the last few months staying with my parents under lockdown that dad had been struggling with a loss of feeling in his hands and fingers. I noticed his movements were more awkward, including dropping things and sometimes stumbling a bit when walking and out with the dogs one day he fell down! It turns out he has a crumbly vertebrae and his spinal chord is being trapped by protruding cartilage. Despite this, he carries on and is having surgery soon. His resilience, calm disposition and patience is a remarkable thing to encounter. I am very blessed to have such a great dad.