Hometown festival became a national treasure!

Our little city has won the best Fall Festival nationally this year!

A full street with fried food vendors where people travel across states come over to try. Each vendor represent a nonprofit that is selling their goods as fundraisers.

Most workers are volunteers! My entire family worked the booth all week long for their scouting experiences. Our booth won the best chili - Grandma's recipe! A parade on the last day shows the spirit of the town! Both kids participated in the parade showing the cars they helped build in their after school program called Supermileage.

It was a week of working and playing hard!

Sarah, along with her friend was asked to do a festival contest for fun and was televised on live TV locally. Festivals and Friends = Fun! - You can see them the video!

In addition every year at this festival I have collected signatures to help stop a horrendous crime of genocide in China, forced organ harvesting. I know, and I'm sorry this is so terrible to even write about. However, raising awareness does make a difference so I thought I would add this here.

One year some friends and I collected 1,000 in one week. Since then, with the help of volunteers across the US, two federal resolutions passed unanimously and several states have passed a resolution to recognize this crime and now there is another federal legislation that can become a bill!

To learn more and sign the petition please go to: https://www.fgpa-petition.org/