Re-visiting a blog about my recovery from M.E., by Becky

Mum made a huge pot of Stew and Dumplings last night, with carrots, parsnips, suede, shinned beef, celery, onions, potatoes, stock, three bay leaves, some mixed herbs and of course a bit of salt and pepper. It was a huge pot - see photo below - she is an expert at stews, I love stew. Tonight we are finishing it off, with some more potatoes added and some little sprouts too.

It reminded me, last October I wrote a blog (which is on our blog page ‘The Food Diaries’) - it was about my relationship with food, my recovery from M.E and a spinal injury. Quite a few people contacted me about this post as it had helped them in some way, which was very encouraging to hear, as it was such a personal story to write, and quite a thing to ‘expose’ myself publicly in such detail. It was a good exercise in confidence and courage for me, to be honest, another reason Carry Forth Tradition was born.

It is here if you missed it and would like to see it -

My relationship with food, previously living with M.E. and recovering practicing an ancient, traditional self cultivation way.

(And yes, my Airedale was licking my ice-cream as I looked away to pose for my husband to take this beautiful scenic photo in Dovedale, The Peak District, some years ago…)