The first day of Spring arrived!!

Spring has Sprung!

It was Wednesday the 20th of March this year.

I always feel something good is about to happen when it gets to Spring.

Everything is so full of life waiting to burst out into the open after lying dormant. It never ceases to amaze me how - despite what chaos and disorder seems to be going on around us if you're paying any attention to it - that, when Spring arrives, everything seems to be renewed and re-born and is cleaner and fresher. It reminds me that life still goes on in all it's glory; that unseen, reassuring force behind everything in life constantly creating things anew.

I'm starting to feel like I'm expanding again after being huddled away in Winter. I'm going outside more, tending to our garden, observing the little lives around us, like the wren which has nested in the eaves above my shed door, watching the beautiful, dark green, velvety leaves of the kale unfurling each day, the blossom opening up and brighter colours emerging as things warm up. Seeing the smiles of neighbours too!

Connie trying to eat blossom  - this photo still makes me smile.

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