Off to a tremendous start!
“ “Lillyfee has strength and life. We are small enough to allow the skills and talents of each Artist or Craftsperson working here to shine forth. We can handle large projects quickly, efficiently and with flair.””
Well, although not much seems to be happening on the website, behind the scenes there has been lots going on. So much in fact that I really didn’t know where to start! So instead of procrastinating, I decided to add a new tab ‘News’ to the menu bar on the website. This way I can keep the site updated and also help myself to remember what’s happening! Joking aside, it does help, as I have many people contacting me and doors flying open - all very uplifting and encouraging.
Since launching ‘Carry Forth Tradition’ I’ve been communicating with lots of like minded people, and really pleased to hear that I am not the only one (I knew this already) who wishes to do something like this - gather people and traditions together and preserve or revive them. And the reach is far, not ending at the shores off the large island on which I live!
A few examples in the last week are; a visit and interview I’ve lined up with my friend Colin Mantripp who is a Master carver at Lillyfee Woodcarving Studio - I plan to write a Feature about Colin, so keep your eye out for that. He’s amazing and has been tremendously helpful. Lillyfee Woodcarving Studio is a renaissance workshop run by Colin and his team in Buckinghamshire, since 1994. The work is handmade, hand-carved, using only the finest materials and traditional methods, combined with great craftsmanship. “Lillyfee has strength and life. We are small enough to allow the skills and talents of each Artist or Craftsperson working here to shine forth. We can handle large projects quickly, efficiently and with flair.”
My dear friend, Stephen Horner, up North, who I grew up with has offered to take me out hedge laying in a few weeks, and to have a go at dry stone walling Summer (I just decided this ‘Summer’ bit) - I have had experience in the former a long time ago, as part of my job, so it will be good to have another go. He’s linked me to other people and sent me some valuable information too which I am adding to the website. Thanks pal!
Last night I had a really inspiring conversation with a filmmaker called Jessica Pearson who, not only is doing a lot of good work to promote Crafters in North Devon and other artists, has made some beautiful short films which you can see on her website has also got an amazing personal story of courage and determination! I was really moved by her open hearted sharing and we plan to keep in touch. I’ll interview her in a few months and I’m also really looking forward to meeting her in person, she is one of those diamonds who suddenly appears in your life (whilst searching online for some links and people to reach out to) and you feel like you’ve known them your whole life. We are, after all, one big family I reckon.
An article is in process about my friend in the US Cheryl Casati, I’m really going to enjoy this one! - I’ll Feature her work too. So I’ll be adding a ‘Featured’ section to the website as I plod along…. or should I say trot?
Thank you for all the support and sharing of social media, it is a work in progress and I’m learning as I go, so thanks everyone!