My Grandma's Rose Water - by Pam
My mum’s lovely neighbour Pam popped over to visit mum, and I mentioned Carry Forth Tradition, which she loved. Pam went on to tell me about her Grandma’s Rose Water and how she suddenly realised there is no better cream for her skin. I was thrilled to hear about it and so I asked if she would mind writing some thoughts down about it because I am sure it will bring back fond memories to people and also is good to know. Pam also had a couple of questions and hopes maybe someone will be able to help her with them.
Here is what she wrote -
Some roses a friend bought Becky’s mum.
I was looking at my face in the bathroom mirror and the reflection looking back at me was red, flaky skin, in a parts blemishes round the nose and dry skin on the forehead. I looked in my toiletry bag and through the bathroom cabinet at creams I had bought in the past and thought these are not going to rectify the skin.
I looked on the internet and the prices of skincare and which to buy was a minefield. Well, I kept going back to the mirror and looking and things didn’t improve.
It was then I walked past an old family photograph and I remembered what lovely skin my grandma had at the age of eighty-four, and my mother and they never bought beauty products. So I decided to try and think what my grandma used.
I remembered she used home made Rose Water.
So I went out and picked the petals of two roses and added water to a small jar. This captured the scent but turned brown and then grew mould on top of it. My next try, I dried the petals, rolled them and added water and waited. Then I realised it was missing something. I needed glycerine which I bought and added to the mix.
I am now using it on my skin, but the added bonus is my hair. I actually spilt a drop of glycerine so I rubbed it into my scalp. Since then I rub it into my hair the day before I wash and leave it in my hair overnight. My hair is now like spun silk and easy to style and control. I don’t use conditioner any more and the price of glycerine is £1.49 so I save money as well.
If you leave it on your hair overnight, put a towel over your pillowcase, or if you leave it on your hair for a couple of hours, put on a shower cap. Please read the warning on the glycerine as it is not suitable for everyone to use.
I would like to know how my grandma preserved her cream as it lasted her all year. And who shouldn’t use glycerine.