25 June this weeks local walks by Eddie


Nikon P1000, 1/500 f5.6 ISO 280 19 June 2020                     
Persian Silk Tree on Avinguda Jordana - Albizia julibrissin, the Persian silk tree or pink silk tree, native to southwestern and eastern Asia. Named after the Italian nobleman Filippo degli Albizzi, who introduced it to Europe in the mid-18th century. Its leaves slowly close during the night and during periods of rain; thus its modern Persian name shabkhosb (شب‌خسب) means "night sleeper". In Japan its common names are nemunoki “Sleeping Tree”


Nikon P1000, 1/250 f4 ISO 100 21 June 2020
Commonly known as purple viper's-bugloss (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Echium_plantagineum) at Parc de les Bateries. Poisonous when eaten in large quantities and its sticky solution can cause skin irritation.


Nikon P1000, 1/500 f5 ISO 100 21 June 2020
Figwort or Wavy-leaved Mullein (https://species.wikimedia.org/wiki/Verbascum_sinuatum) at Parc de les Bateries. Seemed to be a favourite of ants as they were all over its petals.


Nikon P1000, 1/1600 f5 ISO 400 20 June 2020
I like to look for any opportunity to shoot something unusual and try to use the camera settings to get the optimum effect. Here at the end of a line of trees flooded with sunlight was a swarm circling around, behind them the shadow of pine trees. I thought if I can use a fast shutter speed to freeze the flies or fairies… it could make an interesting shot. I tried a few at different shutter speeds and this was the best. I used the leaves on the top right for focus and waited until they were opposite it to take the shot.


Nikon P1000, 1/125 f4.5 ISO 250 19 June 2020
Carob tree and pods (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carob) at Parc del Tramvia. Dried pods are crushed and make power similar to cocoa, used to make carob cake.


Nikon P1000, 1/250 f4.5 ISO 220 21 June 2020
Berries on the Mediterranean Buckthorn (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhamnus_alaternus) at Parc de les Bateries. The black ones are edible but with caution as they are have laxative properties.


Nikon P1000, 1/640 f5.6 ISO 100 21 June 2020
Badalona Beach and early tourists, small jetty damaged in storm 2 months back.


Nikon P1000, 1/400 f5 ISO 100 21 June 2020
Baby common Wall Lizard (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Podarcis_muralis) on the pavement near our home. 5cm long so nothing to panic about. Adults 15 to 20cm.

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Nikon P900, 1/800 f5 ISO 100 21 June 2020
Moorish Gecko also known as Crocodile Gecko due to its spikey armourd appearance (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tarentola_mauritanica ) on a wall near our home. Around 15cm long


Nikon P1000, 1/640 f5 ISO 100 21 June 2020
Moorish Gecko (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tarentola_mauritanica ) on a wall near our home.


Nikon P1000, 1/500 f5.6 ISO 280 21 June 2020 DSCN1625
Chinese Hibiscus (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hibiscus_rosa-sinensis) growing in our neighbours garden.


Nikon P1000, 1/200 f2.8 ISO 100 21 June 2020 DSCN1379
Mediterranean Slant-faced Grasshopper (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acrida_ungarica) difficult to spot as it looks like a twig. You could easily think I messed up this time! Lots of them underfoot. Watched one jump and shot the ground where it landed.


Nikon P1000, 1/250 f4.5 ISO 100 21 June 2020 DSCN1520
Feral Cat in Parc de les Bateries enjoying a siesta. Where we live mostly all dogs however in some spots such as this park and the beach a few cats live and are regularly fed by the people in the village.


Nikon P1000, 1/125 f5.6 ISO 560 21 June 2020
Short Toed Tree Creeper in Parc del Tramvia with some bugs in his beak. Again difficult to spot with the camouflaged colours on its back.

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Nikon P1000, 1/250 f4.5 ISO 100 21 June 2020
Bee Fly (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bombyliidae) feeding on a Pincushion Flower or Sweet Scabious (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scabiosa) in Parc de les Bateries. Difficult to focus as its wings never stop.

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Nikon P1000, 1/100 f4 ISO 100 19 June 2020
Mediterranean Glow Worm (https://www.wildlifetrusts.org/wildlife-explorer/invertebrates/beetles/glow-worm) in Parc del Tramvia. It injects poison into other insects and after death sucks their blood. Develops into firefly most commonly seen in June/July


Nikon P1000, 1/400 f4.5 ISO 100 21 June 2020
Wall Brown Butterfly (https://butterfly-conservation.org/butterflies/wall) as seen on the ground in Parc de les Bateries. Enjoying the warmth of the sun and casting a big shadow.


Nikon P1000, 1/250 f5 ISO 140 21 June 2020
Gatekeeper Butterfly (https://butterfly-conservation.org/butterflies/gatekeeper) at Parc de les Bateries.


Nikon P1000, 1/60 f5 ISO 500 21 June 2020
Spanish Gatekeeper Butterfly (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pyronia_bathseba) at Parc de les Bateries.


Nikon P1000, 1/320 f5 ISO 100 21 June 2020

Small Blue Butterfly (https://butterfly-conservation.org/butterflies/common-blue) at Parc de les Bateries


Nikon P1000, 1/500 f5.6 ISO 160 21 June 2020
Red Admiral Butterfly (https://butterfly-conservation.org/butterflies/red-admiral) at Parc de les Bateries. A familliar sight from my native Scotland.


Nikon P1000, 4sec f8 ISO 100 (Just after midnight 23 June)24 June 2020                     

The Sant Joan festival has many names, but in Catalonia and Barcelona it is most often called the 'Nit del Foc' - fire night - or the "Nit de Sant Joan". A festival feast of Saint John the Baptist which celebrates the solstice Spanish midsummers eve during the evening and night of 23rd June every year. People just celebrate the evening with dinners, parties, firecrackers (not so much fireworks) and bonfires all over Barcelona and Catalunya. This year bars and clubs are closed so its celebrated in small groups keeping social distance.


Nikon P1000, 4sec f8 ISO 100 (Just after midnight 23 June)24 June 2020

All 4 shots taken with the same settings from our window with the camera mounted on a tripod.


Nikon P1000, 4sec f8 ISO 100 (Just after midnight 23 June)24 June 2020
Pops and loud bangs were heard from a week before culmanating in the 23rds celebrations which continued well into the early hours of the 24th. Last year they continued until 4am


Nikon P1000, 4sec f8 ISO 100 (Just after midnight 23 June)24 June 2020

All of these were looking toward the local Tennis Club where most were set off.